Melissa Hayashida

About Me

My Photo

Hello! I’m Melissa. I’m a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) professional from San Jose, CA.

I’ve been working in the GIS field since 2008. I started my GIS career working for Channel Islands National Park. Since then, I’ve grown my GIS knowledge through approximately 12 years of experience in the public health, parks & recreation, utility, and public safety fields.

I love working on GIS projects that help improve community health. My favorite GIS projects were those that helped improve park access, increased drinking water and stormwater quality, and decreased 911 call response times.

I enjoy creating print maps, web maps, and dashboards, but I also find GIS data management, geoprocessing automation, and process improvement equally exciting.

I’ve included a few screenshots and links of my GIS work below. Feedback, comments, and questions are more than welcome. (Since I’ve spent a large portion of my career working with sensitive health and utility data, much of my work can’t be displayed here. For more information about my past work, please see my resume below.)

My Resume